空間性質:住宅單層 空間面積:237㎡ 主要建材:檜木、橡木 座落位置:新北市 |
2020 Red Dot Design Award |
Lagom是瑞典語中,意指剛剛好、不多不少,剛好就是最好的生活哲學,也是一種彼此包容和尊重彼此的狀態,將這樣的狀態植入生活,這是 Lagom 最重要的精神之一。
In the Swedish language, Lagom means no more and no less, a way of living that stresses the importance of being appropriate and just right. In life, Lagom is expressed in the form of tolerance and respect.
Lagom is not only a guideline for living but also designing, asking us to experience every moment to the fullest and appreciate the beauty of simplicity and appropriateness. This creative work of art, which takes into consideration spacial contours, shifts away from the framework of Minimalism and aims to reflect morality and social responsibility. It is the embodiment of the life concept of no more, no less, humility and generosity.
Our design seeks the perfect balance between extravagance and thriftiness as well as more and less. Under the theme of no more, no less, the work is endowed with a lucid and lively visual character. With regard to the flow, excessive decoration and sophisticated layers are discarded to foster quality and modesty, promoting satisfaction of what one already have and encouraging the attitude of humility and gratitude. It is through this manner that one gains feedback from and achieves sustainability through living.
With the removal of the 30-year-old exterior, the rearrangement of the structure and redefinition of division and borderlines, we also planned for the sunlight to shine in from all four sides. Via the relationship between the space and medium, the sunlight, together with the language of continually extended structure, expresses the depth of field. A large amount of natural materials are employed for functional units designed under the guideline of simplification and appropriateness. This placement generates visual pleasure as well as the openness of axis, qualities fit for different moods and purposes.
In the Swedish language, Lagom means no more and no less, a way of living that stresses the importance of being appropriate and just right. In life, Lagom is expressed in the form of tolerance and respect.
Lagom is not only a guideline for living but also designing, asking us to experience every moment to the fullest and appreciate the beauty of simplicity and appropriateness. This creative work of art, which takes into consideration spacial contours, shifts away from the framework of Minimalism and aims to reflect morality and social responsibility. It is the embodiment of the life concept of no more, no less, humility and generosity.
Our design seeks the perfect balance between extravagance and thriftiness as well as more and less. Under the theme of no more, no less, the work is endowed with a lucid and lively visual character. With regard to the flow, excessive decoration and sophisticated layers are discarded to foster quality and modesty, promoting satisfaction of what one already have and encouraging the attitude of humility and gratitude. It is through this manner that one gains feedback from and achieves sustainability through living.
With the removal of the 30-year-old exterior, the rearrangement of the structure and redefinition of division and borderlines, we also planned for the sunlight to shine in from all four sides. Via the relationship between the space and medium, the sunlight, together with the language of continually extended structure, expresses the depth of field. A large amount of natural materials are employed for functional units designed under the guideline of simplification and appropriateness. This placement generates visual pleasure as well as the openness of axis, qualities fit for different moods and purposes.